Services related to Patent

Services related to Patent

The Firm´s patent practice is well placed to assist Indian and Foreign clients to protect, manage and maximize their patent portfolios in multiple technical domains. The Firm´s highly trained patent team consists of accredited patent agents and attorneys who are specialists in the fields of Pharmaceuticals, Life Sciences, Electronic, Wireless & Telecommunication, Biotechnology, Software, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.

The patent services offered by the Firm are tailored to assist clients all along the invention/IP ladder, starting from the stage of conception of the invention until enforcement and commercialization, in multiple technical domains. A brief snapshot of our patent services is set out below.

Patent Drafting: The Firm is known for its drafting expertise as it regularly drafts and assists in proof-reading provisional/complete patent specifications (catering to India, US, EP and PCT standards) in multiple domains.

Patent Prosecution& Administration: The Firm has dedicated teams for catering Indian and Foreign filing and prosecution of patent applications in India and abroad through PCT/Convention route via a network of associate law firms in various jurisdictions. The practice skillfully facilitates official communications, docketing and managing deadlines using industry standard management systems and experienced professionals.

Prior Art Searches: The patent team specializes in conducting global prior art searches aimed at patentability assessment, invalidation opinion, infringement (FTO) analysis, identification of grey area (state-of-the-art/landscape), etc. The team customizes search strategies based on timeframe, technical domain, type of project and client´s business (IP/R&D) objectives. Our search methodologies include multi-pronged approaches, a judicious combination of search strategies, quality searches to reduce background noise, automation where required, STN searches for chemical structure drawing and analysis (including Markush claims) and biological sequence searching and analysis.

Essentiality Assessments: The practice has a strong in-house team of telecommunication experts and engineers who are well versed with patent law and especially with issues relating to FRAND licensing & standard-essentiality assessments for SEPs.

Patent Due-diligence & Portfolio Management: The practice assists its clients to watch the IP activity of its competitors or even their own subsidiaries across the world. The team also engages with clients at the time of acquisitions and mergers for IP evaluation, identifying critical and strategic patents, licensing opportunities, abandonment cases, etc.